March is Women’s History Month! Nearly 30 business improvement districts (BIDs), neighborhood associations and merchants’ groups from New York City’s five boroughs are coming together this month to honor Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. The focus is women-owned small businesses in the city, which have been particularly hard hit during the pandemic.
The Grand Street BID is excited to participate in this celebration of women owned and led businesses. Throughout the month we will be featuring these amazing women on our Instagram using #smallbusinesswonderwomen. Each post will highlight the women and their teams, and give some background story and a quote about their experiences as business owners and leaders. Keep an eye out on our social to learn more about these strong leaders within our community.
This collage is only a handful of the women led businesses on Grand Street, but we are always in awe of them and their impact on our community!
From left to right: Yummie O, Founder and CEO of Yummy Extensions; Angela, Owner of Mint Brow and Beauty; Francesca Romana Caputo, BID board member and interior architect and designer; Catherine Como, owner of Hair by Catherine; Tiffany and Rebecca, partners and owners of Crystal Lake; Master Olga, United Xtreme Taekwondo; Kelly, co-owner of Ammazzacaffe; Aura, owner of Empire Locksmith; Erin Barr, Owner of Hour Rose Salon; Sarit Rueda, owner of Alcatraz Flower Shop