bravo supermarket — Blog — Grand Street BID

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Food Drive Collects 509 lbs of donations for local families

13 Grand Street businesses hosted collection boxes for St. John the Evangelist’s food pantry

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After 3 weeks of 13 businesses on Grand Street collecting food donations from shoppers, merchants, and community members—the Grand Street neighborhood was able to donate a whopping 509 lbs of food for the holidays.

Our annual food drive supplies the St. John the Evangelist Church (198 Maujer Street) food pantry with needed supplementary meals to local families during the holiday season. With this year’s haul totaled up, the community’s combined efforts over the past 3 years have collected and donated 1,361 lbs of food for the church’s meal program. With the donations in supply St. John’s has already assembled 100+ family meals with over 150 lbs of non-assembled food to go—helping to keep a well-stocked pantry through the winter months.

We’re thankful for all of our small businesses that took part—a few standouts being Bravo Supermarket which collected an amazing 148 lbs of donations, the Sandwich Shop (133 lbs), Los Primos Restaurant (63 lbs), Absolute Power Fitness (48 lbs), Groomers & Pomade (43 lbs), and Brooklyn Dental Professionals (31 lbs). All of our participants were enthusiastic to contribute and went an extra mile to give back to the community this season.

We will continue to collect donations at our office (246 Graham Ave)—please contact to connect with us. Next, follow us @grandstreetbid for the earliest news of our Winter Restaurant Week taking place in February.

Grand Street gives back with holiday food drive

13 Grand Street businesses are collecting food donations for the holiday season

Grand Street businesses are giving back to the community December 1st through 19th by participating in the Grand Street BID's 3rd annual Grand Street Holiday Food Drive. 13 small businesses will host collection boxes for non-perishable food items to be donated to families in the St. John the Evangelist (195 Maujer Street) food pantry program.
The food is used to help the 150-200 weekly recipients of the parish’s hot meal program as well as their food pantry which serves 20-30 families, all of whom live here in the Grand Street neighborhood. The most typical recipients are senior citizens on fixed incomes and working families whose combined incomes don’t allow for full meals by the end of the month. Over the last two years, the food drive has collected and donated 852lbs of food.


You can bring non perishable donations to the following businesses:

To donate, just stop by any of our participating businesses and drop the food items in the holiday wrapped collection box. That’s it! Use the list below to pick out groceries at a participant like Bravo Supermarket (785 Grand Street) to check out and donate in one trip. Perishable and pre-cooked foods will be also collected by us (246 Graham Ave) so you can pick up a warm meal from any restaurant to help a small business and a hungry family.

Items that are especially helpful are as follows: Canned vegetables, breakfast cereals, peanut butter, oatmeal, rice, beans, canned fish, baby formula + food, granola bars, raisins + dried fruit. Also, pre-cooked meals or food that can be eaten without much heating or cooking required.

*Bring perishables to our office at 246 Graham Avenue between 10am to 5pm. Please call ahead of time at 718-218-8836.

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