Mario's Pizza Opens on 812 Grand Street

Welcome Mario’s Pizza to 812 Grand Street! Owner, Mario Osorio, has been making pizza at a historic nyc pizzeria (Joe’s Pizza) for over 22 years. After decades of honing his craft, Mario decided to open his own pizzeria; bringing years of experience and his family alongside him.

Step into Mario’s Pizza and you’ll most likely be helped by either Kimberly or Yael; Mario’s eldest daughter and son. Yaztiri, his youngest daughter at 10 years old, handles the register. And in the back Mario’s wife Lucia is preparing the dough for Mario to work with. They’re a family-led operation from start to finish, with everyone chipping in. The actual pizza-making is left to Mario and him alone, with his son Yael still learning the ins-and outs of making pizza. 

Mario’s felt welcomed on Grand Street, already having regular customers only two months into being in business. He feels there’s a tight sense of community in the neighborhood, citing that as one of the major reasons he decided to open up on Grand. Be sure to swing by Mario’s Pizza for a slice!